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Some group exercise classes now available for a one-time fee in Pirkkola, Liikuntamylly and Töölö Sports Hall

Guided exercise
Indoor sports halls

Advance registration is required for most Helsinki Sports Services’ group exercise classes. However, in autumn 2023, a few group exercise classes will be available for a one-time fee: entrance fee to the sports hall + EUR 3. Group exercise classes for a one-time fee are offered in Pirkkola, Myllypuro’s Liikuntamylly and Töölö Sports Hall. The one-time fee is paid to the sports hall cashier. The first ten people who have redeemed a one-time ticket for these group exercise classes can attend the class.

Group exercise classes for a one-time fee:

Liikuntamylly (Jauhokuja 3)
Mon 3–3:50 p.m. Wellbeing workout for women (light and easy, also suitable for the elderly)
Mon 4–4:50 p.m. Power (medium heavy; challenging)

Töölö Sports Hall (Paavo Nurmen kuja 1)
Thu 9:10−10:00 a.m. Senior workout (medium heavy; challenging)
Thu 10:10−11:00 a.m. Senior stretching (light and easy)

Pirkkola swimming hall (Pirkkolan metsätie 6)
Tue 2−2:50 p.m. Senior stretching (light and easy)

Water exercise classes also available for a one-time fee

You can also attend water aerobics at Helsinki swimming halls for a one-time fee: entrance fee + EUR 3.

Water aerobics
Itäkeskus swimming hall
(Olavinlinnantie 6) Thu 2:15−2:45 p.m.

Deep-water water aerobics
Itäkeskus swimming hall
(Olavinlinnantie 6) Mon 8:15−8:45 a.m.

Jakomäki swimming hall (Somerikkopolku 6) Wed 7–7:30 p.m. (no class 6 December)

Pirkkola swimming hall (Pirkkolan metsätie 6) Fridays 15 September, 6 October, 3 November and 1 December at 10:15−10:45 a.m.

Yrjönkatu swimming hall (Yrjönkatu 21) Wed 7:45–8:15 a.m. women (swimsuits mandatory)