Terms of agreement and cancellation of individual reservations and events

Standard seasons for reservations:

Winter season for indoor sports facilities and school gyms 1 September–1 June

Summer season for indoor sports facilities 2 June–31 August

Winter season for outdoor sports facilities 16 October–14 April

Summer season for outdoor sports facilities 15 April–15 October

Application periods are published on the website of the Sports Services: hel.fi/helsinki/en/culture/sports/reservation

Violations of the contract terms may result in a notice, warning, cancellation of your shift and/or a temporary ban from receiving shifts.

Application and confirmation

Applicants must submit the correct information in their shift application. The application must include the purpose of the shift. You will receive a confirmation for an approved shift reservation. Shifts may not be transferred or sold to another person or community. The Sports Unit may request event organisers for an event plan with detailed information before granting any shifts.

Applicants consent to either their community or their own name (both first and last name) being displayed on the Sports Unit website’s public sports facility calendar.

Cancellations and changes

If necessary, the Sports Unit can cancel an individual shift. A written notice will be sent for such a cancellation.

Customers may cancel an individual shift seven (7) days before their reservation. School gymnasiums with evening guards have a notice period of ten (10) days. If the shift is cancelled later, the holder of the reservation will be required to pay the reservation fee in full. Cancellations must be submitted in writing to liikuntapaikkavaraukset@hel.fi.

The customer may not change the user group or purpose of an individual shift of event on their own; these types of changes must be approved by the Sports Unit through the booking service.

Security and activities at the facilities

Shift holders agree to follow the Sports Unit’s regulations for the facilities and schools, as well as staff instructions. If you are reserving shifts at independently available schools, you agree to follow the facility’s specific operating instructions (https://liikunta.hel.fi/en/pages/reservation-of-sports-facilities/independent-use-of-school-gyms).

Organisers of events in Sports Unit facilities are responsible for the safety and order of their event’s participants. Illegal or immoral activities are prohibited. All activities must aim to improve health and well-being. Bullying, harassment, discrimination or other inappropriate behaviour is prohibited.

Property damage

Shift holders are required to notify the Sports Unit (liikuntapaikkavaraukset@hel.fi) of any damage or breakage in the facility they notice or have caused, as well as to compensate for any damage caused.


Fees are paid according to the annually confirmed price list. If the payments are not made within the due date, you will be required to pay a penalty interest. Failure to make payments will result in you losing your shift as well as a ban from being granted new ones.

Unauthorised use of Sports Unit facilities will be invoiced according to the price of the appropriate user group and any possible additional fees. If a shift holder does not use a shift that they have reserved, they will still be required to pay the usage fee.

All facilities and all users are subject to additional usage fees. Additional fees may include those for higher-than-normal energy costs, additional cleaning, additional costs that arise from work arrangements, or the purchase and use of additional equipment, materials, supplies or services.

The Sports Unit retains the right to invoice the user for additional administrative work. Costs for additional administrative work will be invoiced to the customer in the following example cases:

  • Reservation, cancellation, change, or investigation work caused by activities that violate the contract terms or regulations.
  • Retroactive reservations for unauthorised use of sports facilities or school gymnasiums.
  • Reservation or reporting work outside of normal working hours.
  • Events

It is the organiser’s responsibility to ensure that all official permits and notifications are in order in advance of the event. The organiser must be able to present the permits and other documents at the Sports Unit’s request.

Detailed instructions for organising events are available here:

  1. Instructions and support for event organisers https://www.hel.fi/fi/yritykset-ja-tyo/yritykset-ja-yrittajat/tapahtuman-jarjestaminen/tapahtumanjarjestajien-ohjeet-ja-tuki
  2. Organising an event in Helsinki https://www.hel.fi/en/business-and-work/businesses-and-entrepreneurs/organizing-an-event-in-helsinki

Contract term validity and changes thereof

The City of Helsinki retains the right to change these contract terms. The City will notify its customers of changes within a reasonable timeframe before the changes enter into force. The City is not liable for any costs incurred by the customer due to the changes.


The organiser is responsible for ensuring that all necessary permits and notifications have been made and granted in good time before the start of the event. The organiser must be able to present the permits and other documents to the Sports Services upon request.

More detailed instructions for organising events can be found here