Adapted physical activity counselling
If you are only minimally physically active and would like to be supported in being more active, personal physical activity counselling might help.
Adapted physical activity counselling is for you if your physical activity requires adaptation due to, for example, disability, illness or other impairment to your ability to function and if you are getting very little exercise. The free service always takes into account your own starting points and goals.
For whom?
Adapted physical activity counselling is intended for Helsinki residents
- whose physical activity requires adaptation due to, for example, disability, illness or other impairment to their ability to function,
- who are currently getting very little exercise,
- who are motivated to increase their physical activity, and
- who need help with getting started.
What does physical activity counselling involve?
- Adapted physical activity counselling is a free service where you will set your own goals and get to be a counselling customer of the service for 6–8 months.
- Throughout the process, you will have a physical activity counsellor to give advice on how to promote your wellbeing and support you in increasing your everyday activity.
- Physical activity counselling is always based on your own interests, opportunities and resources to increase your physical activity.
How do I sign up?
You can ask for more information about physical activity counselling from the Adapted Physical Activity Coordinator at 09 310 21496.