Children and families
In Helsinki, children can participate in many types of physical activities, either individually or in groups. Instructed activities are provided by both clubs and other private operators. Children and young people are also offered a wide range of sports events and camps where they can, in addition to being physically active, meet new people and learn new things.
Helsinki Sports Services offer a varied selection of hobbies for families and children of all ages. The selection includes swimming lessons, adapted physical activity, gymnastics, family and physical activity events, and Vimma-liikunta activities for children aged 12–16.
Registration for the autumn’s The City of Helsinki’s sports and exercise courses is open.
You can register online at
The Finnish model for leisure activities, which started in spring 2021, provides pupils in grades 3–9 with more hobby options. The Finnish model for leisure activities is a project by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Minedu) to improve the well-being of children and young people. The purpose is to provide children and young people, during school days, with free hobbies that correspond to their wishes. Read more:
Children’s physical activity
The most popular hobby among children and young people is sports and exercise. Motoric skills and the feeling of being capable influence how physically active children are when they grow up. For the children and young people who are the most physically active, it is important to ensure that the physical activities are varied and that the children and young people are adequately active in their everyday lives. For those who are the least physically active, it is important to gradually increase the amount of physical activity and, at the same time, decrease the amount of harmful inactivity.
All children and young people must have the equal opportunity to be physically active, independent of factors such as ethnic background, culture, place of residence, family background, family’s financial situation, health, disability, illness, gender or sexual orientation. Support, encouragement and a good example from adults play a crucial role in the promotion of children’s physical activity.