Become a partner in Helsinki’s Sports Services’ activities for children and young people
The application period for the autumn operating period has ended. We will announce when the next application period begins.
The Sports Services’ operating periods for supervised sports are in autumn and spring, usually from September to December and from January to April. Summer activities and camps are also organised in May and June. New and previously cooperating sports clubs apply for cooperation in the spring with an application form, which is distributed to the supported clubs and in a newsletter during the spring.
We aim to offer activities throughout the Helsinki area. Those wishing to become partners in the activities must commit to the operating principles (link here), and the supervisor(s) in charge of the activities must be of legal age and they must have at least the level 1 qualifications from coaches’ instructor training.
If several clubs, associations or companies that meet the criteria wish to carry out activities in the same area, we primarily aim to offer activities to all of those who wish to do so.
The scope of the offered activities is determined by the city’s resources. If the activity cannot be offered to all of those interested in the area in question, the selection will focus on those who are able to produce several different services and several classes a week. In addition, decisions concerning the choices of EasySport and FunAction operators take into account, as applied, the Finnish model for leisure activities and information obtained in the Youth Budget surveys on children’s and young people’s wishes for sports activities. After the selection process, we will contact the applicants.
Agreements are concluded for one operating period at a time. The activities will not automatically continue into the next period, and it may not be possible to offer activities to all of those who wish to cooperate.
Contact information:
Sports Coordinator Tiia Anttila / / Perhehulinat, EasySport East
Sports Coordinator Nelli Tuomola/ / Perhehulinat, EasySport West, North
Sports Coordinator Anni Pentikäinen / / FunAction and NYT Sports East
Sports Coordinator Henna Ylikoski / / FunAction and NYT Sports West, North
Planning Officer Saana Saarikivi /