Helsingin kaupunki

Club Parliament 

The Club Parliament is the Helsinki sports clubs’ cooperation body, established in 2009, which interacts with the City of Helsinki’s Sports Services. 

It is the expert body for the City of Helsinki’s decision-making on club activities, but it has no actual decision-making power. 

Purpose of the Club Parliament 

The purpose of the Club Parliament is to maintain a dialogue between the city and the clubs receiving grants, and to promote discussion and cooperation between clubs. 

The Club Parliament acts as an advisory body and represents the views of the supported clubs in Helsinki. The Club Parliament seeks to ensure that every supported club has the opportunity to contribute to the content of a requested opinion or statement. 

The active Club Parliament comes up with new activities, takes initiatives and develops cooperation further. 

Members of the Club Parliament 

The Club Parliament is made up of a chair and 10–15 members. The Parliament elects a chair, a vice-chair and a secretary from among its members. The Parliament’s term of office is two years. Half of the members stand aside each year. The Parliament meets 4–6 times a year. 

The Club Parliament is elected at the clubs’ open meeting at the Club Forum. Each club has one vote. 

The selection of the members of the Parliament should aim for diversity: there should be, for example, officials and people in positions of trust as well as people representing individual and team sports, elite sport and health sports, sports for children and young people and sports for special-needs groups. The Parliament aims for a balance between women and men. 

Helena Tikkanen, Chair of the Club Parliament, helena.tikkanen@gmail.com 

Timo Muurinen, Vice-Chair, timo.muurinen@hjk.fi 

Pasi Andersson, Secretary, pasi.andersson@munkka.fi 

Kirsi Greis, kirsi@taitoluisteluakatemia.fi 

Outi Havia, outi.havia@kotiposti.net 

Kirsi Johansson, kirsi.johansson@tapanilanera.fi 

Sanna Mäkelä, sanna.makela@pnv.fi 

Aino Palva, ainopalva@gmail.com 

Henrik Pulkkinen, henrik.pulkkinen@hnmky.fi 

Eeva Ripatti 

Matti Sairanen, mattisairanen@yahoo.com 

Päivi Wickström, paivi.wickstrom@kolumbus.fi