Definitions for the price groups

Identification must be provided upon request. Certificates may also be presented in electronic form.

No discount is available based on a decision for income support.

Definition of child

  • 7–17 years of age
  • Children aged under seven are not charged an entrance fee.
  • In the Rastila camping area, people aged 15 and younger are considered children.

In the gym, people aged 15–17 are considered children (people below the age of 15 are not permitted in the gym).

Discount for refugees and those who have applied for temporary protection:

Customers can prove their right to a reduced admission fee by presenting their residence permit card or a certificate showing that they have submitted an application for refuge or temporary protection.

Student discount eligibility:

  • An FSS, International Student Card ISIC, Osku, Sakki, Samok, Suomen lukiolaisten liitto SLL, SLL-ISIC or SYL card or a shared student card from the VR Group and Matkahuolto or a corresponding Finnish (or ISIC) student card app.
    • The period of validity of a student card is indicated by the term sticker attached to the card, the sticker is available to the holder of the card from their student organisation. Screenshots from the student card app are not valid.
  • A meal subsidy card issued by Kela.
  • A Kela Financial Aid for Students decision for the current academic year.
  • A certificate of enrolment.
    • Valid for only one academic year at a time (the certificate should state the student’s identity, the educational institute in question and the duration of studies). Studies must be full-time for a period of at least nine months and have at least 25 hours of classes weekly.

No discount is available to students in apprenticeships, secondary adult education or labour market training. No discount is available for university and institute of higher education postgraduate students, i.e. those studying for their licentiate or doctorate degree.

Please note! Those completing their licentiate degree in medicine are actually completing a basic degree and are thus eligible for the student discount.

Unemployed discount eligibility:

  • An unemployment payment decision issued no more than three months previously by Kela or an unemployment fund.
  • A certificate of unemployment issued no more than three months previously by the TE Office.
  • A valid job search certificate available on the Omat työttömyysturvatiedot (My employment security information) website offered by TE Office.

No discount is available with a customer card from the TE Office or with a labour policy statement. No discount is available with e-mail or text messages sent by the TE Office or unemployment fund.

Pensioner or senior discount eligibility:

  • A card for national pension recipients issued by Kela or a corresponding pensioner’s card issued by a pension fund or foundation.
  • Minimum age of 64.

No discount is available to part-time pensioners or those on fixed-term disability pension.

Disabled discount eligibility:

  • A parking card for people with disabilities
  • A card for the visually disabled
  • An EU Disability Card
  • A transport card granted for a transport service as defined in the Disability Act
  • A ‘Companion Pass’ granted by HSL.

If the client is entitled to a personal assistant, the assistant can access the sports venue free of charge. The need for an assistant may be proven by presenting verification such as the EU Disability Card with an A symbol, a ‘Companion Pass’ granted by HSL or a written certificate issued by social welfare and health care services.

Conscript and civilian service discount eligibility:

  • A conscript card
  • A civilian service certificate.

No discount is available for Defence Forces’ staff.

War veteran discount eligibility:

  • A front veteran and war veteran service badge (e.g. symbol R on the Kela card or front veterans’ supplement card)
  • A front veteran badge awarded to members of Lotta Svärd.

No discount is available to peacekeeper force veterans or those who have served in the military of another country.

In order to receive informal carer’s discount, please present:

  • A payslip or payroll statement from the last three months on informal care allowance paid by the City of Helsinki.