Instructions for applying for reservations
Reservations for sports facilities are made in eServices. It is not possible to make reservations by phone or email. Changes and complaints concerning confirmed reservations must be made in writing to
Make reservations in eServices
See instructions for eServices here
The City of Helsinki’s tennis courts can be reserved through Varaamo.
Reserve a tennis court through Varaamo
If the billing address or contact details of the customer who made the reservation or the contact person change, you must always notify us in writing to We do not update information from the application form without a separate notification.
Contact information:
Telephone service: +358 9 310 87800 Mon, Wed and Fri 8 a.m.–12 noon and Tue and Thu 12 noon–4 p.m.
In addition, you can find us in Fredsriksberg at Konepajankuja 3, as agreed separately. If you need advice in reservation matters, please contact us to agree on a meeting.