Physical activity counselling for adults (aged 30–63)
Physical activity counselling for adults aged 30–63 diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or whose diabetes risk points are over 12 or who are clearly overweight and whose BMI is over 30. The personal exercise counselling process lasts for six months.
If you are only minimally physically active and would like to be supported in improving that, personal physical activity counselling might be the tool for you. An physical activity counsellor can give you tips for increasing the amount of exercise in your everyday life and advice on how to promote your well-being. The starting point is your own interests and your opportunities of increasing your physical activity.
The physical activity counselling for adults is a free service in which you set your own goals and become a customer of the service for six months.
For who?
If you are aged 30–63 and
- you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or
- your diabetes risk points are over 12 or
- you are clearly overweight and your BMI is over 30,
you can book an appointment for a personal exercise counselling session.
What does the physical activity counselling contain?
- The process lasts for six months and includes three personal meetings and one phone session with a physical activity counsellor.
- Support for increasing everyday physical activity, tips on how to start exercising and how to find a form of exercise that is appropriate for you.
- A survey of your lifestyle, and a follow-up measurement during the first and last meeting.
- An individual exercise plan, counselling and encouragement for a more physically active way of life and a monthly inspiration letter to support your process.
- The opportunity to try, free of charge, the physical activity services in an instructed gym session or group exercise class.
How to sign up
Physical activity counselling is provided at three different locations. You can make an appointment at the location most suitable for you by calling:
Töölö sports hall tel. 050 401 3629
Liikuntamylly (in Myllypuro) tel. 040 352 9308
Oulunkylän health station tel. 040 351 6379