Liikuntahulinat sports sessions
Price: adults €3.60, others €2,10, children under the age of 9 free of charge
The Liikuntahulinat sports sessions offer children under the age of 9 and their families opportunities for various physical activities. The sessions give opportunity to jump, do tricks, play, run, play ball games and do other fun things together.
There is no need to pre-register for the sessions, which are held at Liikuntamylly and at the Maunula sports hall. You will need indoor sports clothes and shoes.
Liikuntamylly, Jauhokuja 3
12.1.–16.3. (not 2.3.)
Sundays at 9.00–10.45
Maunulan liikuntahalli, Maunulanmäki 3
Saturdays at 9.00–10.30