Perhehulinat – family sports sessions (self-guided)
The Perhehulinat family sports sessions offer children under the school age and their parents a place to do sports together independently and free of charge. The activities are open to everyone and there is no need to pre-register for the sessions. Equipment is freely available for use by the families.
The activities are not guided and children are always their guardian’s responsibility. The session supervisor will unlock the doors and the manage the equipment so that your family can focus on the physical activities.
Contact information:
Miia Salomaa
phone 040 177 9866
Places and times (except on mid-week holidays)
Kannelmäki Comprehensive School, Kuninkaantammenkierto 22
3.9.–10.12.2024 (except in week 42 and 3.12.2024)
tuesday 17.00–18.30
Kamppi sports centre, Malminkatu 3
5.9.–12.12.2024 (except in week 42)
thursday at 17.00–18.30
Kurkimäki community building, Karpalokuja 7
4.9. –27.11.2024 (except in week 42)
wednesday at 9.30–11.00
Malminkartanon ala-asteen primary school, Puustellintie 6
3.9.–14.12.2024 (except in week 42)
tuesday at 17.00–18.30
thursday at 16.30–18.00
thursday at 18.00–19.00 (for school children)
Merilahti Comprehensive School, Jaluspolku 3
4.9.–11.12. (except in week 42)
wednesday at 17.00–19.00
Pallomylly, Pikajuoksijankuja 9
3.9.–12.12.2024 (no 8.10.–29.10.)
tuesday at 9.30–11.30
tuesday at 16.00–18.00
Pukinmäenkaaren peruskoulu comprehensive school, Kenttäkuja 12
5.9.-12.12.2024 (except in week 42)
thursday at 17.00–18.30
Sakarinmäen peruskoulu comprehensive school, Knutersintie 924
3.9.-3.12.2024 (except in week 42)
tuesday at 17.00–18.30
Tali sports park’s football hall, Purotie 8
5.9.–12.12.2024 (except in week 42)
thursday at 9.30–11.00
Tapanilan ala-aste primary school, Veljestenpiha 2
monday at 17.00–18.30