
Wide range of physical activities for young people 

Helsinki offers great low-threshold opportunities for young people to engage in physical activities, take up sports as a hobby, and continue even to a professional level. For the children and young people who are the most physically active, it is important to ensure that the physical activities are varied and that the children and young people are adequately active in their everyday lives. For those who are the least physically active, it is important to gradually increase the amount of physical activity and, at the same time, decrease the amount of harmful inactivity. 

Numerous sports clubs offer young people recreational opportunities in various physical activities to start and engage in regular sports. Read more about Helsinki sports clubs here: 

Helsinki aims to increase the physical activity of all the city residents. Young people are offered plenty of low-threshold activities at a low cost or free of charge.  

Those of lower secondary school age can find fun and diverse hobbies and exercise through Vimma sports. Vimma sports offers versatile physical activities for young people aged 12–16. The classes are easy to attend at any time during the season, and the activities do not require commitment.

Puhti sports provides young people with opportunities to participate in physical activity. Puhti sports offers versatile and relaxed low-threshold exercise for 16–22-year-olds all over Helsinki. The wide range of classes includes inexpensive activities for everyone, regardless of their skill level.   

Those of lower secondary school age can also participate in KouluPT activities, a low-threshold sports counselling service the city provides for young people aged 13–17. Read more: 

We also provide physical activity counselling for young adults. The service is intended for young people and adults aged 16–29 who, for one reason or another, do not exercise as much as their health requires and need support to start being physically active. Read more about the service here: 

Launched in 2021, the Finnish Model of Hobbies offers free extracurricular activities in accordance with the wishes of children and young people. Read more: 

Guided activities